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1. System requirements

  • Some nodes are Physical Machine or Virtual Machine, least 4 CPU and 16GB RAM for master-node and 3 CPU 6GB RAM for each worker-nodes
  • Ubuntu-Server or Ubuntu Desktop version 20.04
  • Kubernetes version 1.26.3
  • Calico installed on Kubernetes cluster
  • MetalLB installed on Kubernetes cluster (for laboratory experiments, we deploy system on a bare-metal cluster)
  • Helm is installed

2. Install support mechanisms

2.1. Monlat - the network latency monitoring system for Kubernetes

We develop a network latency monitoring system named monlat, for more detail and installation please visit monlat. First, let's install Prometheus Stack on Kubernetes Cluster, then install monlat later. The network latency metrics will be collected by Prometheus.

Install Prometheus Stack

We follow Prometheus Stacks installation guide from Knative's Docs

$ helm repo add prometheus-community
$ helm repo update
$ helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n default -f manifest/prometheus/values.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f

$ kubectl create namespace metrics
$ kubectl apply -f

Note: The OpenTelemetry Collector logging exporter is deprecated and removed from the upstream Collector repository in September 2024, so that you have to change all logging fields to debug using the following commands:

chmod +x ./hack/

Install monlat

Follow monlat installation guide to install monlat correctly. monlat is released under Apache License.

2.2. Seika - Kubernetes Custom Resource maintains quantity of Pod in each Node

To control the ability of create and delete Function in each Node exactly, we develop a Kubernetes Custom Resource named Seika. Seika operate like a bunch of Deployments that each Deployment control number of Pod in only one Node. By using Seika, we can create more Functions in Node that have more traffic and delete less Functions in Node that have less traffic. To install, please visit Seika. The Seika's document includes guides for installation, usage, development. Seika is released under Apache License.

3. Install Knative Serving with Kourier is networking option and Our Extra-Controller

In this step we install Knative Serving's components (CRD, Knative's Pods) by applying .yaml files. Notes that the applied manifests is modified by ours, we do not use the original images and configurations. Our images are developed base on Knative-Serving version 1.12.1 and Kourier version 1.12.1

# Install CRD
kubectl apply -f manifest/1-serving-crd.yaml
# Install Knative's Pod
kubectl apply -f manifest/2-serving-core.yaml
# Extra configmap and RBAC
kubectl apply -f manifest/miporin/configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifest/miporin/rbac.yaml
# Install Networking Plugin
kubectl apply -f manifest/3-kourier.yaml
# Run domain config job
kubectl apply -f manifest/4-serving-default-domain.yaml

Wait until job/default-domain is success

# check if default-domain job is success
kubectl -n knative-serving get job | grep default-domain
default-domain   1/1           13s        71s
# delete config job
kubectl delete -f manifest/4-serving-default-domain.yaml

Install extra-controller miporin

kubectl apply -f manifest/miporin/miporin.yaml

miporin is the extra-controller working alongside and is independently of Knative's controller. For more information about miporin, please visit bonavadeur/miporin. Miporin is released under Apache License.

Install correct images by version

# Replace Knative's images by Ikukantai's images
chmod +x -R hack/*

4. Making some changes

4.1. Kourier Gateway

# use local 3scale-kourier-gateway pod for every request
kubectl -n kourier-system patch service kourier --patch '{"spec":{"internalTrafficPolicy":"Local","externalTrafficPolicy":"Local"}}'
kubectl -n kourier-system patch service kourier-internal --patch '{"spec":{"internalTrafficPolicy":"Local"}}'

5. Check your setup

You must see 3scale-kourier-gateway and activator present in all nodes, each node has one activator and one 3scale-kourier-gateway

$ kubectl -n knative-serving get pod -o wide | grep activator
activator-5cd6cb5f45-5nnnb                1/1     Running     0                156m     node2   <none>           <none>
activator-5cd6cb5f45-fkp2r                1/1     Running     0                156m   node1   <none>           <none>
activator-5cd6cb5f45-j6bqq                1/1     Running     0                156m     node3   <none>           <none>

$ kubectl -n kourier-system get pod -o wide
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE    IP               NODE    NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
3scale-kourier-gateway-864554589-5dgxl   1/1     Running   11 (5h26m ago)   2d5h     node2   <none>           <none>
3scale-kourier-gateway-864554589-btfqf   1/1     Running   12 (5h21m ago)   2d5h     node3   <none>           <none>
3scale-kourier-gateway-864554589-p7q56   1/1     Running   13 (5h29m ago)   2d5h   node1   <none>           <none>

$ kubectl -n knative-serving get pod | grep miporin
miporin-597dcddbc-qvlc6                   1/1     Running     0                143m

6. Try it out

Each time you deploy a ksvc (in API, ikukantai will create two custom resources automatically: one Seika and one ServiceMonitor.

  • Seika (in API is used for ability of controlling Function creation and deletion precisely in each Node
  • ServiceMonitor (in API is used for scraping metrics of each Function to Prometheus

First, apply a simple web application named hello. The annotation "12s" means that if there is not traffic come to system in 12s, the Function will be scaled down. Immediately after you apply hello Function, the first Pod created is not under your control hello. You need to wait until this pod deleted after 12s, the system is now under your control.

# install a demo app
$ kubectl apply -f manifest/demo/hello.yaml
Warning: Kubernetes default value is insecure, Knative may default this to secure in a future release: spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation, spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.capabilities, spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsNonRoot, spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.seccompProfile created

Get all relevant resources:

$ kubectl get ksvc,pod,seika,servicemonitor | grep hello   hello-00001    hello-00001   True    
pod/hello-00001-deployment-7df54dc57f-rx7xr                  2/2     Running   0               11s   ["node1","node2","node3"]   0-0-0/0-0-0

Wait until the first Pod is deleted (after the period set by annotation "12s")

$ kubectl get ksvc,pod,seika,servicemonitor | grep hello   hello-00001    hello-00001   True   ["node1","node2","node3"]   0-0-0/0-0-0

Use netem setup latency between nodes. In this experiment, I setup latency from node1, node2 to node3 is 50ms. So, when make request from node3, a new Pod is prefer scheduled on node3 instead of the remain nodes.

# make request from node3
root@node3:~$ curl hello.default.svc.cluster.local
Konnichiwa from hello-node3-xgvq5 in node3

# list all resources
root@node1:~$ kubectl get ksvc,pod,seika,servicemonitor | grep hello   hello-00001   hello-00001   True
pod/hello-node3-xgvq5                                        2/2     Running   0               40s   ["node1","node2","node3"]   0-0-1/0-0-1

The Scheduling Algorithm is implemented in miporin, package To enable Scheduling Feature of ikukantai Fleet, set config ikukantai-miporin-enable-yukari: "true" in configmap/config-ikukantai, namespace default